Arakyd Systems
Free code and tutorials for .NET developers and architects
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  Framework Extensions
  Framework Extensions - Version 4.2
This is the latest version of the framework, and is the culmination of a number of improvements that I have been working on for a while. This version primarily improves the performance of and expands the internal exception handling.

Framework Extensions - Version 4.1
This version removes the CodeSmith baggage that hampered Version 4.0 of the library. It also removes the Security module and the checking for SQL Injection attacks in the DataAccess module.

Framework Extensions - Version 4.0
I made this version of the framework available for download a number of years ago, and it is the most extensive version available. It includes CodeSmith templates for code generation, however, if you are not using CodeSmith I wouldn't recommend using this version.

Framework Extensions - Version 4.1 (GAC Free)
A recent change by my ISP host meant that I lost access to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). Since this site has been dependent on the Framework I was forced to build a version that could be referenced directly in the code. So I created Framework Extensions 4.1 (GAC Free) to fill this void.
  iTunes LINQ Library
  Because the XML file that is used by iTunes is a piece of crap, I did a search on the internet to see if I could find a way to rebuild the XML structure into something easier for a mere mortal to comprehend. The result is a LINQ for XML library that allows for the creation of a better formatted XML file. And it can also create a relational table structure in SQL Server.
  Coming Soon!
  I have a number of projects on the go at the moment, and I am hoping to be able to make them available in the near future. So keep checking back.